Electones are Jens Petter Nilsen, Hallvard Hagen (both Xploding Plastix), and Rita Augestad. Imagine Sigur Ros, Stereolab, The Beta Band, and Squarepusher coming together to make soundtrack for a film, and it might sound something like the Electones.

Summercloud was released in June on the English label Inertia, and is now also avilable in Norway through Racing Junior. Check out the reviews below. Both Norwegian and English ones. Also check out the Electones profile further below.

"Steps confidently not to mention beautifully between the realms of jazz, electronica, classical and acoustic folk.Class! 5/5 Sureplayer Dj Magazine, June 2002

“Yes Yes Yes. A record so immaculate, so delightful, so impossibly cool it could make even the most cynical f*cker believe in love again” – 5/5 Hit Leftfield Single, Jockey Slut. June 2002

“Summercloud is one of those tunes that you cant and wont want to shift from your head. So infectious you’ll saver every last melancholic note. Superb!” 5/5 Leftfield Top Tune, IDJ Magazine June 2002

“Full of hope and longing, this bag of sophistication is massively satisfying” Sleazenation Magazine, June 2002

"There's a hit written all over this one. Things that make you go....hmmmm" 5/5 Ice Magazine, June 2002

"Komplett uimotståelig!" 6/6 Panorama, August 2002

"Et svært vellykket fremstøt i grenselandet mellom drømmende elektronika og tradisjonelle jazz-elementer" 5/6 Aftenposten, August 2002

"Vil du ha et perfekt soundtrack til forelskelse, håp og lengsel i sommer, får du det her – fiks ferdig" 5/6 BA, August 2002

"Genistreken er det uromomentet som ligger og bobler i låta, og som tar form i noen advarende og stikkende synthlyder - midt oppe i en nydelig, nydelig sommerlåt" 5/6 Dagbladet, August 2002

Read more about the band in Inertia's own profile of the band:

The Electones are a combination of two Norwegian musical anomalies who between them play about 15 different instruments.Their sound is ethereal,prog and leftfield which has very little in common with much of todays music scene although a "soupcon" of Sigur Ros ,Stereolab, Tortoise or The Beta Band may be in there somewhere. Either way they have come up with a collection of material on Inertia which has some of the most intense and soulful melody we have heard in a long time. This is music which crosses a lot of borders and could only have come from a couple of Norwegians who collect fossils and are obsessive about ski jumping.

Jens Petter Nilsen is a musician of diverse talents, performing on electric and acoustic violin, mandolin, and guitar, as well as flute, saxophone, and keyboard. In 1993 Jens Petter Nilsen was sacked from his haphazard job as a Iron Maiden roadie on alleged ticket-scouting charges. The charges were later dropped, due to lack of evidence.

Hallvard W. H. - keyboardist/drummer. He appeared on a Christmas CD "Friends for Life" benefiting the Lisa M. Johnsen Breast Cancer Research Fund. Hallvard is so talented and diversified in his musical abilities, recording with various country, dance and R&B artists, that he brings a disturbing new sound to the keyboards of The Electones.

Jens and Hallvard met at a Red Cross fundraiser for (alcoholised) Skijump has-beens, following the blacklash of the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics in Norway. Keen supporters of the criminally ignored wintersport, they formed THE ELECTONES to campaign for the lost heros of the Norwegian Skijump-scene, which at that time were heavily underfunded and suffering from post-Wirkola syndrome. Jens says: "I try really really hard to make sure my music's something more than just entertainment, not just another product". Hallvard follows up: "My performance is really sincere, and some people really hate that. The music I love, is the really intimate stuff." ???

The skijump campaign however collapsed, which rendered THE ELECTONES unpopular with the entire music industry in Norway, and sworn enemies of the skijump scene. Unknowing of this nationale scandal, Inertia signed the band and The Electones now looks to the UK.

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